Use of Website

Practising Governance maintains this website (the “Website”) for informational purposes only. Access to this website and Materials posted on it (as defined below) is subject to the terms and conditions set out below. Your use of the Website signifies your acceptance of this Agreement.

1. Copyrights

Pracitising Governance either owns the intellectual property rights in the underlying HTML, text, images, audio/video clips, and other content that is made available to you on the Website (the “Materials”), or has obtained the permission of the owner of the intellectual property to use the same.

Practising Governance grants you a limited licence to display on your computer, print, download, and use the Materials for non-commercial, personal, or educational purpose only, provided that:

  • You agree that we are not liable for any liability you incur as a result of using this limited licence
  • You do not modify any of the materials; and
  • You include with and display on each copy the associated copyright notice and this limited licence
  • No other use is permitted without the express permission of Practising Governance. Nothing in this notice confers any right in any copyright of Pracitsing Governance or other copyright owner’s contents provided on this Website.

    2. Cookies

    Practising Governance may use “cookies” on this Website to monitor traffic patterns and improve on the Website. Our cookies do not collect or disclose any personal information about the person using the browser. They are only used to detect the fact that a given visitor has been to our site before in the past.

    3. Disclaimer

    Materials provided on the Website are provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties as to fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically do not make any warranties or representations as to accuracy, completeness of any Material. We also periodically add, delete, change, or update the Materials without notice. We do not offer the information on the Website, as professional advice or services and they should not be relied upon as such. The Website should not be used as a sole basis for any decision, action, or inaction and is not meant to substitute the advice of qualified professionals. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss, damage, liability or expense incurred or suffered which is suffered or claimed to have resulted from the use of the Website, including without limitation any negligence, fault, error, omission, interruption, or delay with respect thereto.

    As a condition of the use of the Website, you agree to indemnify us from and against any and all actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses arising out of your use of the Website. If you are dissatisfied with any material or with any part of the Website, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website.

    Some of the links on the Website may lead to resources outside Practising Governance. We provide the links for convenience only. The linked sites are not under our control and we have not reviewed or investigated in any way the information at such linked sites. We make no representation or warranty as to the contents of any linked site.

    4. Access to the Website

    We reserve the right to deny in our sole discretion any user access to this website or any portion thereof without notice.


    1. (i) The materials of our training activities (including those prepared by our speakers), and (ii) publications are intended to provide general information and guidance on the subject concerned. Examples and/or other materials used are only for illustrative purposes and should not be relied upon for technical answers. No guarantee is made as regards the accuracy of data presented. The disclaimer in paragraph 3 (“Under Use of Website”) above shall apply (mutatis mutandis) to (i) materials of our training activities and (ii) publications .

    2. (This paragraph 2, and paragraphs 3-8 below only apply to training/events) Successful applicants will receive confirmation by email at least 5 working days before the event. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified around the same time, with full refund. If you have not heard from us regarding the registration 3 working days before the event and if you have other enquiries related to the programme, please make enquiry by email at or by phone at 2509 3928.

    3. No admission ticket will be issued. Please bring your confirmation email for admission purpose.

    4. All applications are on a first-come-first-serve basis.

    5. No refund/cancellation is permitted after the application is processed.

    6. All scheduled events will be cancelled and postponed to a date to be announced in the event of typhoon signal no. 8 or above or if a Black Rainstorm warning is hoisted.

    7. We reserve the right to change the venue, format (to digital), date, speaker, or to cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances.

    8. No unauthorised audio or video recording is allowed during our events.

    9. Privacy (personal information collection statement) Purpose of collection - we handle your personal identifiable information (“PII”) in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


    Practising Governance may revise this agreement and/or introduce additional terms and conditions at any time and from time to time. We reserve our exclusive right in our sole discretion to alter, limit, or discontinue the Website or any Material in any respect.

    No waiver of rights; severance

    No act, delay or omission by Practising Governance shall affect our rights, powers, and remedies under this Agreement or any further or other exercise of such rights, powers, or remedies. The rights and remedies under this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of the rights and remedies provided by law.

    If any provision of this Agreement is not or ceases to be legally binding and enforceable, it will not affect the legality, binding effect or enforceability of any other provision.


    This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.